Quali sono le differenze tra trader, quant e analisti? Che tipo di istruzione / formazione richiede in genere? Quali sono le principali differenze in stili di vita, stipendi e percorsi di carriera?


Klimesh Burrow

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An investor who seeks to profit from price fluctuations rather than a change in the intrinsic value of a security or derivative product. A trader typically holds a security for periods as short as a few minutes to several weeks.

Fonte: businessdictionary

Differenza tra Trader e Quant

A quant would develop a beautiful, thorough, well-researched model to 'fairly' price a product only to have a trader ruin it when it comes to actually using the model.

On the other hand, the trader is dealing with the challenge of delivering everyday profits using the models to operate in markets that tend to break all the assumptions, often going against the rationale one might have built into a model.

Fonte: efinancialcareers


Fonte: merriam-webster (punto) com

Istruzione / formazione per i candidati

Con l'avvento del trading algoritmico nei mercati globali e i vantaggi che esso offre ai trader su tutta la linea, è indispensabile sviluppare conoscenze e competenze di dominio nelle capacità di trading quantitativo e algoritmico. Uno deve concentrarsi sulla preparazione e diventare un professionista nel settore finanziario per il settore contemporaneo del trading algoritmico e quantitativo.

Tutorial online (gratuiti / a pagamento), video di Youtube, libri gratuiti, webinar, corsi online e molto altro possono aiutarti. ci sono innumerevoli corsi online che possono guidarti.

Il programma principale di QuantInsti "Executive Program in Algorithmic Trading" (EPAT) sembra aver beneficiato i partecipanti di oltre 65 paesi, da quanto ho letto qui su Quora.

Nel caso ti stia chiedendo: “Quanto guadagna un Quant guadagna?", poi dai un'occhiata a questo blog questo lo spiega in modo molto dettagliato.

Diversi tipi di Quants

Risk management quants

The risk management quants belong to the middle office in an investment banks and firms, asset management firms or funds such as a hedge fund. These guys help to keep trader and sales representatives’ feet on the ground with the results of the risk analysis on various different assets and markets. They use various techniques – notably something called ‘value at risk’ (VaR) – to measure the risk of loss on a portfolio of assets.

Quants in risk management will feed back their findings to risk managers in their team. They’ll also perform stress tests, testing out their models.

Algorithmic trading quants

Arguably the most influential type of quant in the industry, it’s seriously a case of ‘knowledge is power’ when it comes to those specialising in algorithmic trading. Algorithmic trading uses highly complex mathematical models to give pre-programmed trading instructions to automated electronic platforms. A system is programmed to automatically buy or sell at a predetermined price and time.

The ever-increasing importance of these systems in the investment industry make these quant specialists top earner within investment firms.

Front office quants (FOQ)

On the front office lines with the salespeople and traders on the trade floor in an investment bank.

These quants develop models to work out the prices of assets on the markets and manage them: what to buy at and what to sell at etc. The calculations they make also help to provide guidance on risk management and support the traders in the development of their risk strategies. They’re also busy on the investment/business development side of things, using their mathematical and statistical techniques to spot potential new investment opportunities.

In terms of salaries amongst the quants, the front office quants are usually amongst the highest paid.

Investment/asset management quants

Asset management firms will also employ quants to assist in their risk management teams. These quants typically aren’t paid as much as front office quants, but the models they develop are of great importance to the mitigation of losses in investments and the integrity of the industry.

Quantitative developer

Quantitative developers or quant engineers are a branch of the technology department in an investment bank or financial services firm. They work on developing and maintaining the quant models used for pricing, risk management and analysis. Specialist knowledge in coding and computer languages is key to this specialist area.

Fonte: allaboutfinancecareers (dot) co (dot) uk


An analyst is an individual who performs analysis of a topic.

Here, a Quantitative analyst, applies mathematical techniques to investment banking, especially in the fields of risk management, trading, and financial derivatives.

Fonte: Wikipedia

Quantitative Analyst

As a quantitative analyst, you will have a multitude of responsibilities, starting from programming, financial research, trading knowledge, risk management to exhibiting top skills in data sciences, mathematics, statistics or software development. Data analysis will be one of the most important jobs you would need to perform; an understanding of algorithms and computing mathematical rules are required to predict working of models. Quantitative analysts also often liaise with other departments, hence market prediction including risk of investments are also areas you will have to work in.

Financial analyst

A financial analyst is someone who studies market trends and how these affect the performance of a company, its securities, bonds or stocks. As a financial analyst, you will be required to understand the financial fundamentals of an organisation, and help intaking major investment decisions with regard to a company’s growth or finances. While the best way to go about this is signing up for a financial analyst course, you can also develop certain skills needed for the job on your own. One of the most chosen career paths by young professionals, this field gives you the liberty of working across varied industries and exposure to a relatively higher paycheck. If you are someone who has a knack for understanding the intricacies of finance, and you already have a business or a finance degree, this is the right career path for you.

As a financial analyst, you will be required to create financial models to predict the outcome of business decisions, which includes ideating on suitable deals and mergers, along with providing the senior management with insights on revenue increase and management of assets.

Fonte: imarticus (punto) org

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